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The FSBC is a think tank and research center focused primarily on investigating the implications of blockchain technology. In addition to general research and prototype development, the FSBC serves as a networking hub for managers, start-ups, and experts to exchange knowledge and best practices. The FSBC also organizes educational opportunities for both students and executives, including on-campus courses, workshops, and conferences.
Currently, the FSBC is focusing on crypto assets, digital securities, the digital euro, CBDCs, tokenization of assets, decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Specifically, we operate the Crypto Assets Conference (CAC), the DLT Talents program to empower women in the blockchain space, and the DeFi Talents program for education in the DeFi sector, as well as the NFT Talents for leadership in the NFT space, and with the Bitcoin Talents, we educate ambitious and young career starters to break into the Bitcoin ecosystem. The ReFi Talents empower talents for leadership in the regenerative finance space. Further, we have co-founded the Digital Euro Association (DEA) and intas.tech as a consulting company for the digital assets space, as well as the DEC Institute as an organization certifying executives' blockchain knowledge.
Saxony's 50,000 Bitcoin Sale and Its Market Implications
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Tokenization of Investment Funds
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Bitcoin ETF: What Will Happen this Year?
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The Digital Euro Landscape: A Status Update
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New Year 2024: Bitcoin and Ethereum for Institutionals?
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Banks and Blockchain: Which Way to Go?
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Digital Securities and Crypto Assets: What to Expect in the Next Months?
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Blockchain will change the world and Germany is on its way to lead the digital change in this area. Education is always the first step towards the successful implementation of innovation. This is why the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is offering a wide range of education to enable everyone from intern to CEO to understand and successfully apply blockchain.
Are you a finance, fintech, or IT professional looking to elevate your digital assets skills and gain an in-depth understanding of the European regulatory landscape? Our digital assets course organized in collaboration with EY is the next step. This course covers everything from blockchain basics to tokenization and custody provision in the context of MiCAR, GDPR, and KAIT/BAIT.
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The course delivers an insight into the Ethereum and Hyperledger frameworks, among others; you will develop an in-depth understanding of cryptocurrencies and the full range of potential Blockchain use cases, projects, and business models.
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Frankfurt School Blockchain Center offers five Web3 Talents programs: DeFi Talents, DLT Talents, NFT Talents, Bitcoin Talents, and ReFi Talents. These talent programs aim at helping ambitious talents break into the web3 space and offer a community to engage, share thoughts, and offer insights. Mentors support the talents during the bi-weekly sessions to improve the learning experience of the talents and become part of a growing worldwide community.
Duration: 18 weeks
Language: English
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Digital Euro Association (DEA): The Digital Euro Association (DEA) is a think tank specializing in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), stablecoins, crypto assets, and other forms of digital money. In particular, they focus on the private and the public digital euro.
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European Carbon Offset Tokenization Association (ECOTA): The European Carbon Offset Tokenization Association (ECOTA) is a think tank that aims to overcome challenges in the field of technological enabled decarbonization to find token-based solutions for a faster route to a net-zero Europe.
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Multichain Asset Managers Association (MAMA): MAMA is is a trade body which represents asset management companies, investors, technology providers, service providers and ecosystem players interested in working towards a new vision for asset management using blockchain and other supporting decentralized technologies.
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Blockchain Bundesverband (Bundesblock): The Blockchain Bundesverband (Blockchain Association Germany) promotes the use of blockchain technology at the business location Germany. The association represents the interests of startups and companies that want to develop business models based on blockchain technology.
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DLT Education Consortium (DEC): The DEC is a non-profit consortium for academic and professional organizations for international knowledge exchange, education programs, professional certificates and industry research on distributed ledger technologies.
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Blockchain for Europe: This association represents international blockchain industry players at the EU-level. Blockchain for Europe pro-actively contributes to the regulatory debate by supporting European decision makers in their goal to make the implementation of Blockchain technology a success. Blockchain for Europe closely collaborates with national, regional and global players – both at policy as well as industry level – to support the promotion of and education about blockchain technology.
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European Union Blockchain Observatory: The European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum is a two-year initiative created by the European Commission in February 2018, aiming to support blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain ecosystem within the EU.
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Bloxberg: The Bloxberg consortium is a decentralized research infrastructure governed by various research institutes and scientists that provide services for science.
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Bitcoin, Crypto Assets, and Inflation
Digital Euro
Tokenization and Industrial Use Cases
DLT-Based Capital Market and Digital Securities
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In dieser letzten Episode von Block52 widmen sich Katharina Gehra und Philipp Schulden dem Andenken an einen außergewöhnlichen Menschen: Philipp Sandner.
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Daniel Holk
Areas of Expertise:
DLT Talents Program
Masud Sultan
Areas of Expertise:
Valentin Kalinov
Areas of expertise:
DeFi Talents program
Constantin Lichti
Areas of Expertise:
Bitcoin Talents program
Cedric Heidt
Areas of Expertise:
Alexander Laub
Operations Manager FSBC
Christoph Kreiterling
Area of Expertise:
Martin Janda
Areas of Expertise:
IT security
Mining of crypto assets
Dr. Jonas Groß
Areas of Expertise:
Klaus Himmer
Areas of Expertise:
Taxation & Accounting of digital Assets
Multishore Tax Reporting
Crypto Assets
Crypto Fund Reporting
Dr. Michael Kuperberg
Areas of Expertise:
Robert Richter
Area of Expertise: