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Frankfurt am Main, 14.09.2021 12:00:00

Working longer, making higher contributions for lower returns – until recently, this is what state pension policy in Germany used to look like. The (current) government’s record shows that while certain social aspects are now covered by the basic pension, maternity pension and top-up “life benefit” pension (Lebensleistungsrente), not much has happened in two other increasingly important areas: occupational pensions and (subsidised) private pensions. The Riester reform, general information on pension entitlements, attractive occupational pension schemes – all these promises have failed to materialise. In terms of futureproofing, the “3-pillar strategy” has been deeply disappointing. So what should a future federal government do to consolidate pensions for the long-term benefit of Germany’s citizens – including the younger ones?

This is what Professor Olaf Stotz, Professor of Asset Management and Pension Economics at Frankfurt School, will be discussing at our next Reporters’ Roundtable on 21 September. We cordially invite all interested members of the press to attend, and will send you an access link as soon as you register for the event.

What has the current German federal government achieved in terms of pension policy, and what are the issues a future federal government should be tackling?
Reporters’ Roundtable at Frankfurt School with Professor Olaf Stotz
Tuesday 21 September 2021 at 11:30 CEST

Please register by contacting Carolin Schwalme (; +49 69 154008-818; +49 159 0457 9780).
