Frankfurt School maintains a scholarship programme for its Bachelor of Science geared toward highly qualified students. It consists of a reduction of the tuition fee for the entire duration of the studies. The semester(s) abroad are included in the scholarship, provided that students choose to go to one of our partner universities under a so-called exchange agreement.
We offer different types of scholarships that are open to all students with excellent grades and a strong performance in the Frankfurt School admissions process. They consist of a 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% reduction of the tuition fees. Also, we take into consideration your background, motivation, financial need and extracurricular engagement.
The following scholarship programmes are available for future BSc students:
How to apply
During your application for one of the BSc programmes at Frankfurt School, you have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship and state why we should award you a scholarship. Once applicants have been offered a place at Frankfurt School, the BSc Admissions and Scholarship Committee will let you know whether we will grant you a scholarship.
The committee meets regularly throughout the year to review applications and award scholarships. Please note, applicants can apply only for one scholarship and can only hand in one motivational letter within the application form.
Under no circumstances is it possible to apply for a scholarship if a student has already begun his or her BSc studies at Frankfurt School. The decision of the committee is final and cannot be appealed. There is no legal right to a scholarship.
The scholarship may be reduced or revoked at any time if the student behaves in a way that is incompatible with the norms and values of Frankfurt School or the intentions of the scholarship. Frankfurt School may reclaim tuition reductions if the student made false statements in the application.
The scholarship is subject to satisfactory academic performance. Every year the BSc Admissions and Scholarship Committee reviews the performance of the students. All scholarship holders are expected to maintain a specific average grade over the past two semesters.
If a scholarship holder does not fulfil the condition, Frankfurt School will downgrade the scholarship for the following two semesters. The scholarship will be reinstated in full if the student meets the criteria at the subsequent review. If a student fails to meet the conditions for a second consecutive time, the scholarship will be rescinded irrevocably. If a student is only slightly below the threshold, the committee will also evaluate and consider a student's engagement for the Frankfurt School community, such as leadership roles in initiatives, the Student Council or as FS Ambassador, before taking a decision regarding the tuition reduction. Exceptions in case of hardship are also possible.
Scholarship holders are expected to participate in activities that Frankfurt School organises as part of the scholarship programme. Scholarship holders also agree to be available to a reasonable amount for Frankfurt School's public relation activities, such as interviews and photo sessions.
Frankfurt School offers a merit-based scholarship programme to ensure talented students from a diverse range of backgrounds can focus on their future without worrying about their finances. The Diversity Scholarship Programme aims to promote diversity amongst the Bachelor of Science student body and consists of a reduction in tuition fees of 15%, 25% or 50%.
Overview of Diversity Scholarships
Women in Business Scholarship
For female students with a proven motivation in business.
Entrepreneurship Scholarship
For motivated students with a proven entrepreneurial streak.
Global IB Scholarship
For students who have or are about to complete the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.
Scholarship for German Schools Abroad
For students who have or are about to finish secondary education at one of the German Schools Abroad (Deutsche Auslandsschulen). The school needs to be recognized by the Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen.
Quantitative Excellence
Scholarship for students who have exceptionally high grades in math.
Data Science
For students with excellent mathematical skills and a strong interest in the analysis and innovative usage of data.
Speech and Debate Scholarship
For students with outstanding communication skills and a strong interest in public speaking and debating.
MINT Scholarship
For students who show extracurricular engagement in one of the MINT subjects and study at a MINT school.
Social engagement scholarship
For students with good grades who have shown a strong interest in extracurricular social activites.
Intercultural competencies scholarship
For students with good grades who have already gained international experience and shown that they have strong intercultural competencies.
Sports Scholarship
For students with good grades who have demonstrated an outstanding sporting ability.
The Frankfurt School General Scholarship is intended for applicants with very good grades and a good result in the application process. Applicants can receive a scholarship of 15%, 25% or 50%.
The President's Scholarship
We award this scholarship to exceptionally highly qualified students. It includes a 100% tuition reduction.
German Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung) Fast Track and Scholarship ("allgemeine Hochschulreife/Abitur" only)
Students whose school recommends a scholarship from the German Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) will receive priority admission to the BSc programme on a fast track. Instead of completing the entire admissions process, they only have to apply online, sit the interview and submit proof of language knowledge. Upon acceptance, they will automatically be granted a scholarship with a 50% tuition reduction. If they are subsequently accepted into the Merit Foundation itself, Frankfurt School will increase the scholarship to a 75% tuition reduction from the third semester onward.
Since schools typically submit their recommendations to the Merit Foundation in June or July, future students can apply for this scholarship even if we have already admitted them to the BSc programme, provided that they have not started their studies yet. Applicants will need a confirmation signed by the headmaster of their school confirming that they have been or will be recommended for the Merit Foundation's scholarship programme. Students also need to maintain a minimum grade point average of 1.3 on the German grading scale.
For those, who do not plan to study right after school, the school proposal remains valid for three years. In case you plan a volunteer service, an apprenticeship, an internship or similar and you are not enrolled at a university during this time, please apply immediately after you started your studies. You will not get any interim notifications or reminders by us. If you do an apprenticeship which last longer than three years, please contact us right away.
Should you not manage to apply as soon as you started studying, you will lose the right to apply among first-year students. This also applies, if you decide to enrol in a study programme for formal reasons only.
The STIBET programme, which is funded by the Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), provides financial support to international degree-seeking students.The scholarships are open to students who are not German citizens, are in possession of a foreign University entrance qualification recognized by the German authorities and have successfully passed the assessment procedure for the current intake.
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management awards four scholarships worth EUR 3,000 each for incoming international undergraduate students to help them settle in.
The scholarships will be paid in five instalments of EUR 600 between September and January.
Selection criteria include candidates’ school performance (grades at A-Level or equivalent), performance in the Frankfurt School admissions process and extra-curricular achievements.
It is not necessary to submit a separate application for a scholarship. All applications for admission to the Bachelor of Science that have been submitted by 30 June will be considered automatically. To apply please click here. A Frankfurt School committee selects the scholarship winners by the end of July. The committee’s decision is final and candidates have no legal entitlement to a scholarship. Students who receive other scholarships or support from their employer towards the cost of tuition are not eligible for this scholarship.
Financing your studies is a complex issue that should be planned with a long-term view. We’ll be delighted to advise you in person.
Your studies are an investment in your professional future. As a world-class business school, we offer you optimum conditions for studying and outstanding career prospects with an extremely attractive starting salary level.
A bachelor’s degree from Frankfurt School opens up excellent prospects for your professional future.
In order to deliver the highest quality in teaching and research, we also require the utmost commitment dedication from our students. This is the only thing that counts: your current financial situation is not a deciding factor for acceptance into a Frankfurt School programme.
The Generation Contract (GC) is an innovative model in cooperation with Brain Capital to finance your studies. The GC allows the applicant to study at Frankfurt School without paying tuition fees during the study programme. Repayment starts after a successful career entry and after obtaining a minimum income of 30,000 EUR gross salary. Then alumni pay back a fixed percentage of their income over ten years.