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Accounting department at FS

Accounting is often described as “the language of business", effectively dealing with the preparation, use and (possibly) disclosure of internal and external corporate data for decision-making in investing, planning and control. 

Research interests

Our faculty’s research interests are quite broad in the areas of financial accounting, managerial accounting and related areas. Using mostly empirical-archival research methods, we are currently exploring questions in the following areas (among others):

  • performance measurement,
  • economic and psychological consequences of incentive and information systems,
  • consequences of corporate disclosures,
  • corporate governance issues, such as compensation contract designs,
  • determinants and consequences of accounting quality, and
  • auditing and enforcement of financial accounting information.
Teaching and Transfer into Practice

Members of the Accounting Department teach in Frankfurt School’s bachelor, master and doctoral programs; each program contains (optional) tracks with strong emphasis on accounting classes and topics.  We also offer customized training solutions to corporations and individuals.


Mary-Ethel Davis-Thieme
Department Assistant

Faculty Members

Affiliated Faculty


The following list presents selected publications by the Accounting faculty published in prestigious journals since 2013.

Representative Publications


Ecker, F., Francis, J., Olsson, P., Schipper, K., (2021). Non-Random Sampling and Association Tests on Realized Returns and Risk Proxies, Review of Accounting Studies. pp. 772-814

Manthei, K., Sliwka, D., Vogelsang, T., (2021). Performance Pay and Prior Learning: Evidence from a Retail Chain, Management Science. (forthcoming) Vol. 67 (11), pp. 6998-7022

Heese, J., Krishnan, R., Ramasubramanian, H., 2021. The Department of Justice as a gatekeeper in whistleblower-initiated corporate fraud enforcement: Drivers and consequences, Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 71(1, Art. 101357). Vol. 41 (1)


Andreicovici, I., Cohen, N., Ferramosca, S., Ghio, A., (2020). Two Wrongs Make a "Right"?: Exploring the Ethical Calculus of Earnings Management Before Large Labor Dismissals, Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 172 (2), pp. 379-405

Abernethy, M., Hung, C., Lent, L., (2020). Expertise and discretionary bonus decisions, Management Science (1) S. 433-451.


Tahoun, A., van Lent, L. (2019). The Personal Wealth Interests of Politicians and Government Intervention in the Economy, Review of Finance, Vol. 23 (1), pp. 37-74.


Breuer, M., Hombach, K., Müller, M. (2018). How Does Financial Reporting Regulation Affect Firms' Banking?, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 1265-1297.

Casas-Arce, P., Holzhacker, M., Mahlendorf, M., Matejka, M. (2018). Relative Performance Evaluation and the Ratchet Effect, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 1702-1731.


Erhart, R., Mahlendorf, M., Reimer, M., Schäffer, U. (2017). Theorizing and Testing Bidirectional Effects: The Relationship Between Strategy Formation and Involvement of Controllers, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 61, pp. 36-52.


Becker, S., Mahlendorf, M., Thaten, M., Schäffer, U. (2016). Budgeting in Times of Economic Crisis, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 33 (4), pp. 1489-1517.


Homburg, C., Ehm, L., Artz, M. (2015). Measuring and Managing Consumer Sentiment in an Online Community Environment, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 52 (5), pp. 629-641.

Arnold, M., Artz, M. (2015). Target Difficulty, Target Flexibility, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Business Units' Targets, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 40 (1), pp. 61-77.

Holzhacker, M., Krishnan, R., Mahlendorf, M. (2015). The Impact of Changes in Regulation on Cost Behavior, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 32 (2), pp. 534-566.

Holzhacker, M., Krishnan, R., Mahlendorf, M. (2015). Unraveling the Black Box of Cost Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Risk Drivers, Managerial Resource Procurement, and Cost Elasticity, The Accounting Review, Vol. 90 (6), pp. 2305-2335.


Ecker, F., Schipper, K. (2014). Discussion of "Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts and the Decline of the Accruals Anomaly" and "Analysts' Cash Flow Forecasts and Accrual Mispricing", Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 1171-1190.

Ecker, F. (2014). Information Precision and Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 876-910.

Jia, Y., van Lent, L., Zeng, Y. (2014). Masculinity, Testosterone, and Financial Misreporting, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 52 (5), pp. 1195-1246.

Mahlendorf, M., Kleinschmit, F., Perego, P. (2014). Relational Effects of Relative Performance Information: The Role of Professional Identity, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 39 (5),
pp. 331-347.

Veith, S., Werner, J. (2014): Comparative Value Relevance Studies: Country Differences Versus Specification Effects. The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 49 (3), pp. 301-330.

Hiller, K., Mahlendorf, M., Weber, J. (2014). Management Accountants' Occupational Prestige Within the Company: A Social Identity Theory Perspective, European Accounting Review, Vol. 23 (4), pp. 671-691.

Janke, R., Mahlendorf, M., Weber, J. (2014). An Exploratory Study of the Reciprocal Relationship Between Interactive Use of Management Control Systems and Perception of Negative External Crisis Effects, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 251-270.


Ecker, F., Francis, J., Olsson, P., Schipper, K. (2013). Estimation Sample Selection for Discretionary Accruals Models, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 56 (2/3), pp. 190-211.

Abernethy, M., Bouwens, J., van Lent, L. (2013). The Role of Performance Measures in the Intertemporal Decisions of Business Unit Managers, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 925-961.

Ernstberger, J., Grüning, M. (2013). How do Firm- and Country-Level Governance Mechanisms Affect Firms' Disclosure?, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 32 (3), pp. 50-67.

Jia, Y. (2013). Meeting or Missing Earnings Benchmarks: The Role of CEO Integrity, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 40 (3-4), pp. 373-39.

Accounting Seminars

The Frankfurt School’s Accounting Seminars offer new insights into a broad range of accounting, managerial or economic issues. The seminars are a forum for mostly external researchers to present and discuss their work, employing rigorous methodological approaches, including theoretical models, empirical-archival methods or experimental methods.

The Accounting Seminars usually take place on Wednesdays from 2.00 to 3.30 pm. Before or after the talk, the faculty welcomes the opportunity to meet the speaker individually and exchange ideas.

The Accounting Department welcomes not only all members of the Frankfurt School community to these seminars, but also external guests.  If you are interested in attending as an external guest, please let us know by E-Mail

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The TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency is a trans-regional Collaborative Research Center funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG). In the list below, seminars indicated by “TRR266” are sponsored by this initiative.
