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Professor for Operations Strategy
Professor of Operations Strategy

Personal Details

Prof. Dr. Jörn-Henrik Thun is professor for Operations Strategy at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management since September 2010.

Born in 1973. From 1993 to1998 studies of business administration at Mannheim University. From 1998 to 2003, assistant lecturer at the Industrieseminar of Mannheim University. In 1999, visiting research fellow at the College of Business Administration, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska / USA. In 2002, doctoral degree (Dr. rer. pol.) by the faculty of business administration at Mannheim University. From 2003 to 2009, assistant professor at the Industrieseminar of Mannheim University. In 2008, visiting research fellow at University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK. In 2009, habilitation at Mannheim University. In 2010, visiting professor for business administration at Hamburg University.

Prof. Thun teaches operations management, supply chain management, and decision theory. His field of research is i.a. high performance manufacturing, operations strategy, and supply chain management. He is head of the German division of the international research projects “International Manufacturing Strategy Survey“ and “ High Performance Manufacturing“. He was awarded with the research prize of the “Prechel Foundation“ in 2003, and in 2008 with the “Horst-Wildemann-Prize for innovative management programs“. Prof. Thun has published in international peer reviewed journals such as Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Supply Chain Management, and System Dynamics Review. 2011 he was awarded "Professor of Excellence" by the students of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. In a ranking of German professors for business administration (Handelsblatt) he is ranked 68 in the category “researcher under 40 years old“ and 117 in the category “research output since 2005“.

Office hours

during the semester:

Tuesday 16:00pm until 17:00pm on appointment




Hadil Fahoum
Department Assistant

Social Media


Scholarly journal articles / Journal articles

Monographs / Contributions to edited volumes


Title Programme Semester
Strategic Management BA Winter
Operations Management Bachelor Winter
Industry Practice - ONLINE Bachelor Winter
Insights into Manufacturing Industry Master Winter
Marketing & Operations Management MBA Summer+Winter
Supply Chain Excellence MBA Summer