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Assistant Professor of Finance

Personal Details

Thorsten Martin is Associate Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. He was previously Assistant Professor of Finance at Bocconi University. Thorsten Martin’s research lies at the intersection between finance and the real economy, with a focus on corporate finance and its interplay with product and labor markets, as well as environmental externalities. His research was published in the Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and was presented at leading conferences such as AFA, EFA, NBER, SFS Cavalcade, and WFA. He teaches corporate finance and has won different research awards.
Thorsten Martin holds a PhD in Finance from HEC Paris and was a visiting scholar at MIT. He studied at the University of Cologne and the University of British Columbia.

Office hours

during the semester:

by appointment



Javier Dario Estacio Burbano
Department Assistant


Thorsten Martin
Assistant Professor of Finance


Scholarly journal articles / Journal articles

Working papers

Monographs / Contributions to edited volumes

other publications